
4 Words to Describe Nonprofits and How to Communicate Their Mission

When you work in the nonprofit sector, in most cases philanthropic giving or fundraising can lead to constant pressure. There are four words that come to mind first when I think about working with nonprofits:

  • Fulfillment – Meeting all the needs of organization
  • Creativity – Nonprofits need constant innovation in fundraising, expanding their reach and how they deliver their mission
  • Commitment – The organizational commitment to the employees and to the mission
  • Giving back – Financially donating funds to the organization or volunteerism

Prior to joining CRIMSON, I had the opportunity to work for Goodwill Industries of Greater Detroit. Their mission for close to 100 years is to help put people with employment challenges back to work. Goodwill Detroit built and ran businesses to support the mission, so my position entailed building and expanding media relationships, creating ways to get through the news-day clutter.

One of the nonprofits I am currently working with is the Michigan Masons, who are pledged to fulfill the demands of good citizenship. I also represent Focus: HOPE, an organization that recognizes the dignity of every person, and pledges intelligent and practical action to overcome racism, poverty and injustice.

Both organizations utilize social media as a daily way to connect to those looking to give back and committed to making a difference in the lives of others. I’ve found that telling the stories of Masons members, Focus: HOPE and other nonprofits’ successes gives a face and credibility to what they are trying to accomplish, which in many cases helps to fulfill the needs of the organization by creating public relations opportunities.

Make sure you follow Michigan Masons on Twitter and Facebook, and don’t forget about Focus: HOPE’s Twitter and Facebook as well!

