
The Power of Video: Why Video Is Important and How to Properly Advertise It

Video is important because your audience likes to see and hear stories that make them feel better about themselves and the world around them. Recording a podcast, writing a blog post or creating a print brochure with all the same information as a video would be easier, faster and cheaper. But, none of those presentations would have a fraction of the impact of a well-told story that has images, voices and passion.

We’ve long understood the power of video to touch emotions and elicit action. Today, video also has the power of numbers.

The evolution of our communications infrastructure allows videos to stream more easily than in the recent past, so people are willing to click the link to see what might be there. How do we know this? Some statistics:

  •  Snapchat       10 billion video views per day
  •  Facebook       8 billion video views per day
  •  YouTube        “Billions” of video views per day

You may think those aren’t the demographics you’re trying to reach with your message. Then check out this stat:

75% of executives view work-related videos

What do they do after watching? Sixty-five percent say they visited a vendor’s website after.

That’s the power of video: engagement and action.

Having established that your audience likes receiving information via video and that they are willing to follow up, the big question becomes: How do you get them to watch your video?

Simple answer: Respect your audience.

What do I mean by that? Let me reply by asking you a few questions:

  • How many readers here like click bait?
  • How many are fans of online slide shows?
  • How many like spending time on unscientific online quizzes?

I’m not seeing any hands.

We all feel like advertisers and websites are playing us for suckers when we have to click and click and click and then wonder if we’re going to get to our desired content. We’re frustrated and will most l likely never to go back to that site again.

So, start off by letting your audience know approximately how long you’re asking them to devote to your video. Perhaps, something like this:

  • Our most successful event on many levels (86 seconds)
  • The biggest challenge to satisfying this client (1:46)
  • Cutting-edge technology that saves you money and delivers great quality (2:01)

The other important thing is to engage with the audience even before the video starts. You can use a click bait headline if you deliver the goods quickly.


  • 15 seconds after you click this link, you’ll understand why she has tears in her eyes
  • Millennials get blamed for a lot of things, but in 30 seconds we’ll dispel that myth
  • Click, and in two minutes you’ll understand why we want you to feel better about yourself

Powerful videos can pay big returns for the client ready to make the investment.

