
Why Metrics are Vital to Your Campaign

Are you ready to meet your 2018 resolutions and goals? While there’s no better time than the present to prepare a strategic communication plan for your organization, let’s talk about one aspect that is just as important; metrics.

Metrics help communicators share insights and data into what part of their campaign is working and what isn’t. Before you start developing content, sending social media posts or writing blogs, decide on a few objectives and goals for your organization in order to define a successful campaign and analyzing what to do differently next time is an option. How should your marketing communication strategy be measured?

We have come up with three tips that will direct you on a path to successful measuring:

  • Decide on a standard of measurement. Maybe your team likes to use Sprout Social for social media metrics or are looking for a certain number of sales leads for a new product, either way, have a definite process and explain what tools will be used to measure the campaign.
  • Define your goals for a successful campaign. If your business goal is to have 1,000 people sign up for an event, your team should understand that this is the ultimate target. Creating a clear goal will ensure that everyone is on board and working towards the same objective.
  • Track progress and implement check-in meetings. If the end of your campaign is in May, don’t wait until a week prior to the end to begin measuring. Regular tracking and touchbases can help you stay on track, see what is working and will help your team evaluate if a change in plan is necessary.

Are you interested in learning more about growing your business relationships or perhaps how to market to three different generations? We can give you the competitive edge you need by providing insights into your campaign to achieve larger goals, like bottom-line results by starting and developing a conversation with your audience. Contact us today!

