
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Branding & Marketing Materials

NOAA is More Than an Ark

NOAA: the crusaders without the capes, trying to protect us from the planet’s continual transformation.


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) advocates for the Earth through its mission of science, service, and stewardship. This mission of dedication seeks to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, ocean and coasts. The mission also includes sharing that knowledge and information with others, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources.

But what happens when people don’t know who you are and what you do? Or, the message is too complex, gets convoluted by individual interpretation, regional bias, departmental priorities, or other human factors? What if this authoritative message is lost among louder voices, or just isn’t clear? What happens when each team is left to their own devices when it comes to the fight against the forces of our changing planet?

NOAA’s 12,000 worldwide employees including 7,000 scientists and engineers who are doing everything they can as the global authority on environmental issues. We agreed the message needed to be as transformative as the work that they do. And everyone needs to hear it.


The answer is in building strength and awareness around NOAA and then advocating its noble cause. NOAA’s brand message needs to be consistent to the audience that sees, hears and feels it. In collaboration with the regional coordinators, CRIMSON developed a phased plan to build organizational uniformity across the country.

What did we do?

  • Overhauled creative output of branded messaging materials to clearly display environmental leadership
  • Developed individual video assets for each team with a regional flair to compliment the overarching with brand and stylistic consistency
  • Developed simplified yet stylish visual charts, graphs and infographics of complicated scientific materials to better relay important information to layperson audiences


Through this advocacy, we helped NOAA establish its vision of the future to enable resilient and healthy ecosystems, communities and economies that are resilient in the face of change. User-friendly materials are modeled to scale appropriately to reach various audiences (students, teachers, the general public, elected officials, business leaders, scientists, etc.) in presentations and initiatives across the country.

NOAA 39th Silver Winner