
Michigan Israel Business Accelerator

Visual Identity and Website

Connecting Communities

The MIBA connects Israeli innovation to Michigan businesses, driving economic impact across both regions.


The MIBA is an economic development nonprofit focused on connecting Israeli innovation to companies in Michigan; Michigan has the manufacturing and supply chain know-how to help companies in both regions accelerate growth. But the MIBA’s visual brand was outdated and had begun to not represent the innovation and disruptive technologies coming out of its member and partner organizations. What’s more, the MIBA doubled down on its focus areas driving growth companies by establishing The Elevator in 2023, the first U.S. landing zone of its kind. The Elevator accelerated innovative company expansion by providing support services and office space. The addition of The Elevator meant MIBA had an ever stronger reason to be viewed as a sophisticated connector and key partner.


After turning to CRIMSON to help share this MIBA story with its market, the agency undertook a comprehensive brand exploration to align the MIBA’s purpose and message strategy to its audience. We defined the brand archetype, brand foundation and key visual elements. This included identifying new secondary brand colors, brand styles and appropriate icons, photography and artwork to better represent where the MIBA is headed. This new, more vibrant visual look sets the brand apart from other international connector groups of its kind. It supports the collaborative approach of the MIBA with its team of subject matter experts and partner networks.


The remade MIBA brand is meant to support increased awareness of the MIBA’s comprehensive programs and services, and already successful business model while strengthening the brand for future growth, corporate partnerships, and more.. The new brand better matches the kinds of forward-thinking companies the MIBA aims to partner with to pursue mutually beneficial innovation and corporate strategy goals. 

The new brand identity is showcased in the website and 2023 Innovation Report highlighting specific ways the MIBA’s ongoing endeavors assist the global innovation ecosystem, such as: 

  • 2,400 connections made
  • $15M in economic activity created
  • 100+ Israeli companies hosted in Michigan
  • More than 350 visitors to The Elevator in its launch year

Michigan Israel Business Accelerator Website Screenshot
Michigan Israel Business Accelerator Website Screenshot
Michigan Israel Business Accelerator Website Screenshot
Michigan Israel Business Accelerator Website Screenshot
Michigan Israel Business Accelerator Website Screenshot